Back to School Back Pack

August 30, 2020

It is that time of year again where the new uniforms get laid out, a new selection of pens and books are crisp and neat and for the ones off back to college or uni, the suitcases have been pulled out again and the “Great Pack Up’ has begun. If your house resembles anything like mine at the moment, you would think I was in the process of moving and have now become personal friends with my local delivery driver – shout out to Dale!

One item we have done for you, so you can check that off the list – the skincare pack. A complete morning and evening routine specifically designed for younger skin types or for those that are starting the skincare journey. With so many products on the market and a whole host of information on social media- it can feel overwhelming in where to start, what to chose, how to use the products and so on and so on…….. This is where we come in – The Back to School Back Pack contains all the products needed to structure an effective and comprehensive starter routine.

The key focus has been to keep the pack simple, efficient and targeted. It is not complicated to use, the products will not strip or damage the skin but the improvement in the skin’s appearance and overall health will be significantly improved.

It contains all full size products and should last up to 3 months. The total retail value of the pack is over £150 but you can purchase this from our webshop for only £90. Within the beautiful Eco Recycled Cotton bag you will receive a written AM & PM protocol of how to use the products.

Limited Availability.

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